Sunday, April 6, 2014


Here are a few important dates you will want to mark on your calendar for this month.

Tuesday, April 8- No preschool.  Miss Emily will be at a Dr Jean conference.  I'm so excited to meet Dr Jean, as we use her music and learning ideas in our classroom on a daily basis.  I can't wait to see what new things she has to teach me.

Friday, April 18-  No preschool.  Good Friday.  Enjoy your long weekend and have a very blessed Easter.

Friday, April 25 and Saturday, April 16- Preschool playground remodel.  We all be working on our playground remodel this weekend.  Friday from after school until dark and Saturday from 8 AM until dark.  We are looking for volunteers to help with this ongoing project.  Please contact the office if you can help  for any amount of time.  Thanks!

The Week of March 31, 2014

We had a very busy week in preschool!  

Here are some things we learned this week:
1.  We learned about the letter W.  Ask your child to show you WOW.  They should hold up three fingers to make a W and place them next to their mouth, open up their mouth, and tell you, "WOW".  They had a lot of fun doing this and making WOW faces at their friends.
2.  We planted tulip bulbs in glass vases.  I found a GREAT idea on Pinterst to try.  Here is the link for planting them in glass vases if you are interested in trying this at home, How to Force Tulip Bulbs in Water.  Here is what ours looked like after just 2 days. 

3.  We learned two new Dr. Jean songs.  Ride That Pony and a new days of the week song.
4.  We read several books on Spring and started talking about things that happen in Spring.  We are all very excited about warmer temperatures and getting more time to play outside.

I had a GREAT week in preschool with all of the kids. I hope your child had a great week as well!


Welcome to Miss Emily's preschool blog!  I hope you find this blog helpful and informational.  I will do a weekly update to let you know the material we are learning and any important information you may need to know.  I will also posts links to sites we use frequently in preschool for you to use at home to enhance your child's learning.  Enjoy!